The Smarter Science of Slim
by Jonathan Bailor
Jonathan Bailor has performed an invaluable service with his book, The Smarter Science of Slim. Jonathan has studied thousands and thousands of pages of academic research on health and weight-loss, and he has put the results into terms that the everyday person can understand. We have made great strides over the years in understanding how the body responds to different types of food. Yet all too often a popular author selectively cites the scientific evidence, emphasizing only those aspects of the wide-ranging research that support the diet plan he or she is promoting. Jonathan's work is far from "just another diet book."
The Smarter Science of Slim dismantles the myths that have contributed enormously to the health and weight problems that many people have, and replaces them with easy-to-understand facts that will change the way you think about eating and exercise.
The scientific community now knows a great deal about how the human body works. In culling the literature and gathering the results of so many clinical studies, Jonathan Bailor presents a weight-loss program that is based on rigorous science. As a treasure trove of reliable information and sound facts, The Smarter Science of Slim can help you take charge of your destiny and turn the tide on weight gain.
Dr. JoAnn E. Manson
Chief, Division of Preventive Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Revolutionary. Thoroughly researched, rigorously simplified, and downright fun, Bailor's work stands head-and-shoulders above the mass of fat loss myths lining bookstore shelves. In his surprising and scientifically sound exposé of the modern fat loss mythology, Bailor reveals the sources of our fat loss struggles and provides straight-forward, practical solutions. Everyone, and I mean everyone, will learn and laugh a lot while reading The Smarter Science of Slim.
Dr. Jan Fridén
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
As someone who takes fitness and health seriously and has written extensively on this topic over some 30 years, I am generally underwhelmed whenever I see a new "how to" book enter the marketplace. Most are celebrity driven, and most celebrities simply do what their personal trainers tell them to do with little regard for physiologic fact. I am pleased to say that The Smarter Science of Slim represents something different. Strikingly different in fact.
Author Jonathan Bailor has that rare gift of being able to take highly technical scientific data and interpret it in a way that the average person can understand instantly. In addition, he is able to do so in a manner that makes entertaining and compelling reading while clearly indicating how (and why) the last 40 years of fitness and nutrition advice have made us fatter and more at risk for disease than at any other point in our species' history. But most importantly, he is able to take that mountain of scientific data and divine the practical and simple direction it is pointing to in terms of advancing human health and fitness. The book you are holding in your hands can be said to represent the thinking person's guide to exercise and diet in the 21st Century. No fads. No gimmicks. No celebrity-driven pitching of nonsense. Finally, a book that is worth reading; not only for the sheer pleasure of it, but also for its ability to dramatically and positively change your health, strength and life.
John Little
Author of Max Contraction Training
Co-Author of Body By Science
Brilliant. The Smarter Science of Slim is a masterful compilation of nutritional and exercise science disproving the archaic fat loss theory of "eat less, exercise more." Bailor persuasively packages a wealth of research along with his personal and professional experience into an easily understood and applied framework that will change the way you live, look, and feel. For all those who feel left behind in the nutritional battles and exercise gimmicks of the last ten years, look no further, Bailor will end your confusion once and for all.
Dr. William Davis
Fellowship of the American College of Cardiology
When it comes to the most important part of your life, your health, Bailor has written a book that is a must-read for knowing the truth about evaporating body fat. I am a firm believer in achieving the body you have always dreamed of, and Bailor opens the black box of fat loss and makes it simple for you to explore the facts. Read this book today in order to live your best life.
Joel Harper
Fitness Expert, the Oprah and Dr. Oz Shows
As a World Cup and Olympic athlete I have read hundreds of health and fitness books; Bailor's work stands alone. I have never seen such a simple and entertaining presentation of so much fat loss science. Debunking the myths sabotaging the weight loss efforts of millions, Bailor will change the way you think of fat loss and the way you look in less time than you ever thought possible.
Maik Wiedenbach
World Cup and Olympic Athlete, CEO of Adlertraining,
National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Trainer
I am often asked when there will be a proven prescription for weight loss. Jonathan Bailor's The Smarter Science of Slim is that prescription. This book is written in an easy-to-understand and engaging style disguises an astonishing amount of otherwise incredibly complex scientific information. You will not realize you are learning so much because you will be so involved in what you are reading. The pages you are holding will change the way you feel and look faster than any pill ever could. It is incredibly rare to find anything as thoroughly researched and carefully analyzed yet so clearly and engagingly presented in the context of everyday living—and eating. For anyone who has struggled with managing weight or maintaining energy, you do not need pills. You need this book.
Dr. Theodoros Kelesidis
Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Harvard Medical School
Department of Medicine, UCLA School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins