Stop Wasting Time And Money On PDF Redaction
As more information is formatted into PDF's, the issue of redacting private and/or proprietary information becomes even more critical, especially for those dealing with many documents on a daily basis. InfoRazor offers the perfect low-cost, automated solution!
InfoRazor is a brilliant solution for PDF redaction that integrates with your existing email service… so there is no need to learn new software or new systems. With InfoRazor, you save time and money by completely eliminating the need to manually black out sensitive areas. And the process is completely automatic… delivering fully redacted materials back to you within minutes!
Easy and secure… because InfoRazor software is installed WITHIN your network, so all documents remain within your firm. Click Here to try a Free Online Demo!
Free Recorded Info (800) 553-5904
Document Sanitization
the redacted PDF is delivered back to you within minutes!”